Linux software management

After installing softwares in Linux people might often forget what are softwares that they have already installed and their corresponding versions. So people in this post we will see about how to list down all existing softwares and how to remove them. There are multiple GUI applications for this, but here we are going to discus only about the terminal commands.

Listing down all existing softwares

$ dpkg – -list
$ dpkg -l

These commands will list you down all the existing softwares in your system.


Searching for a particular software

$ dpkg – -list | grep -i ‘Wanted_Software’

You can save all your software list to a text file also!

$ dpkg – -list | grep -i ‘maven’ > ~/Documents/mavenLsit.txt

Deleting softwares

apt-get is the command tool that we use to remove/delete/install softwares in linux.

$ sudo apt-get remove maven

If you want to remove all the configuration files with the package itself,

$ sudo apt-get – -purge remove maven

Hopefully you won’t require to remove maven from your system 😉

I hope this post helped you for software management in Linux. If you have suggestions or issues or any feedbacks please leave a comment 😀

Till next post,
Vithulan 😀